Member-only story
A New Myth. A New World.
Whether you feel ready AF — or not — here you are.
“From now on, there are no roadmaps, no more creeds, no more philosophies. From here on, your direction comes straight from the universe, moment by moment. This is the path of innocence, the path of trust. Here, each step is walked only once, and the universe only speaks in the voice of the present.”
( The Mayan Oracle: A Galactic Language of Light by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner. “New Myth,” 149)
It’s time to take action. It’s time to begin embodying your new myth and co-create the new world you want to be a part of.
Nothing less than radical presence & trust is required.
It’s time for lift off.
Radical Pleasure & BLISS are my mantras for 2022.
These mantras will be my guides–my roadmaps–for the coming year as a way to calibrate alignment to what is most sacred to me.
2021 was all about birthing & LIVING a new myth. I first met my Beloved 18 years ago, and…