Are you a Lucky Lakshmi?
🪔 Happy Diwali my friends!
Are you a Lucky Lakshmi? A Luxe Laxmi?
I have a sweet and playful GIVEAWAY … all wrapped up in a fun Goddess Game.
Will you play with me?
Imagine …
You’re sitting on a lush satin cushion in a golden temple filled with the light of a hundred clay oil lamps.
The scent of rose, jasmine and sandalwood drifting gently through the warm air.
A beautiful goddess materializes before you, beckoning you to follow her into a garden filled with sweet fruits of every kind.
And, you hear the sound of distant revelry — drums beating and laughter and singing!
Will you follow her and step into this atmosphere of pure joy?
If this sounds like a thrilling mystery and fun AF, click the link below.
I’ll see you inside …
PS. We begin at Midnight Pacific time on Sunday, November 12th. The sooner you sign up the more quests you can complete and earn points towards some LUXE prizes.