Everything Changes.
Life is in a constant state of flux.
Incredibly wonderful things change. And we can savor and appreciate every luscious moment even more. When we realize how ephemeral everything is, we come to live with radical presence.
On the flip side, incredibly awful, stressful things also change. We choose faith and feel hopeful that “this too shall pass.”
A month ago I was feeling so high on life. Today, I feel that ache in my chest when I think of people I once loved and lost. Then a few minutes later, that ache in my chest swells up into a tidal wave of complete bliss because my daughter is taking a nap on my bed, right next to me. I look at her and remember her first laugh. Even though she is 15, going on 16, I see her 6 week old angelic face. So peaceful. And, I remember my reason for existing.
Everything transforms. Nothing stands still. It’s incredibly sad and the most beautiful truth at the same time.
For now, I’m feeling the magic of all of my emotions. And everything I’ve asked for from the Universe has been given. My manifestations have been happening more rapidly because I’m feeling e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Time has no meaning, except for work responsibilities and showing up to pick my daughter up from school, I don’t think about time.