Member-only story
Dream Encounter: Goddess Yemaya
🌙 One night, when I was nineteen years old, I had a vivid, memorable dream. A beautiful and bountiful woman with long, luxurious hair and the darkest brown skin rose out of the ocean.
🌙 She was smiling and laughing and dancing. All the while she called to me in a language that I did not speak, but seemed to understand. Her identity was a mystery; nevertheless, the dream image was burned into my memory.
🥥 In the dream space, I knew I was in Brazil. 🏖️ The beach was serene, and behind me there was a vast rainforest of green trees with colorful birds and monkeys cavorting in the branches.
🧳 I finally made a pilgrimage to Salvador, Bahia, Brazil nineteen years later, in 2006. The trip was designed as a three-month fieldwork study of Candomblé ritual drumming to immerse myself into the culture, music, and mythology of this particular place that had so haunted my psyche. It was both a spiritual homecoming and an intellectual blossoming. It became my dissertation … and thus Yemaya (known in Brazil as Iemanja), midwifed my birth as Dr. Kris!
I have a very deep connection with this potent goddess and am sooooo overjoyed to share all of her loving and generative energy with you!
🥰 She was the one who brought me my husband (we’re not married anymore, but remain the best of friends) and made it…