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My philosophy in 6 words: Play First. Work Later. Innovate More.
“So what does it look like when you apply vacation mind to work? You let go of the anxiety. You aren’t worried about getting it all done, or doing the right thing right now, or all the things you have to do later. You are immersed in enjoying whatever you’ve chosen to do right now.”
-Leo Babauta, “The Practice of Work Mind & Vacation Mind, Simultaneously”
In case you need a Permission Slip to play more (or a lot more perhaps) … here you go! Play first? Why is that?
From the research that I’ve done, rewards systems do not work. “I’ll play after I get my work done.”
We all know that almost never happens.
Think of play as another approach to work. You come at problems in a new way. Notice the patterns: circular, reverse, zig zag, sideways. Turn things upside down.
Do the opposite of what you’d normally do.
What’s the difference between play and vacation mind?
For our purposes they are not mutually exclusive and yet they are distinct.
Vacation mind = vacate, release, emptying.
Play = presence, engaging oneself, tending to.